Monday, 18 November 2013

An interview with Susanne Marie

Here is what Susanne has shared with us that we would like to share with our viewers...

"I feel that finding one's way home in this culture, and within the collective unconscious, to be challenging for anyone. Doing this while also having a family is not an easy one, as it often takes in the beginning a withdrawal from all outward and inward manifested beliefs. 

For me, everything that I have believed in over time, is returning back into the heart, into what breathed life into it. Everything gets to be examined, and over time things begin to be seen simply as they are, resulting in a sobering up to reality as it is. Once seen, then the process of embodiment, knowing that everything is part of the whole, every feeling, thought, as well as all outward manifestation, takes place within the context of raising children, meeting their needs, loving them and meeting their soul essence. Embodiment in my mind is never ending, and lasts (at least), until the last breath. Inherent in the willingness to meet myself continuously, I am also meeting these innocent beings day to day, in a natural way, which continually reveals where I am still holding resistance to letting things be as they are. 

Over the years, I have looked at many (both my own, and the collective), inherited cultural beliefs of what children should learn and how they should be raised. These beliefs are often examined alongside of my own letting go of what are my conditioned beliefs. It is an interesting experience to have simultaneously, hand in hand, both the dismantling of self-conditioned structures occur while your child is building up theirs, all the while seeing the naturalness and innocence of the emergence of a sense of an 'I' developing and knowing for oneself that that does not mean that one is in truth, separate. 

I have learned to accept my children's inheritance into the collective consciousness and unconsciousness, all the while knowing that in truth, we are all free. This is not always easy, and the nitty gritty of daily life continually reveals new uncharted territory forever creating fresh opportunities to meet each moment with love and acceptance. It is a curious and fascinating thing to be raising one's own children, holding and midwifing their own personal journey into the world with acceptance, all the while within oneself the outward cycle of becoming is in a cycle of returning home. 

The capacity of consciousness is seen to be able to hold both (the paradox of duality), as true, at once. This is a beautiful embrace, making nothing wrong. Seeing through illusion liberates all, as it is seen that in truth no one is lost, everything in the end returns home. Within this trust, raising these beautiful beings, and trusting in the inherent intelligence of life itself, seeing that even making mistakes are ok, all of it, somehow, being ok. The fumbling of life learning about itself is a beautiful thing. Understanding this has opened my eyes and heart to all of life being simply o.k as it is, even when there is the feeling at times that it isn't. I find a growing ability to be able to say yes to it all, and the yes comes from deep within myself, from a place of total allowance. That is my experience of Mothering, and it is my experience of now being in the world. In its larger embrace, one gets to see first hand how Mother Earth holds us, and all of her children as herself."

Susanne Marie 

On November 19th, Susanne came in to CTV's London studios for an interview with Renate. 

To view the complete interview, please click here

Saturday, 16 November 2013

An interview with Charlie Morley
by Renate McNay

Charlie Morley is a teacher of Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep: the holistic approach to lucid dreaming within the context of mindfulness meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. 

His first book, "Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep" is just out. "Through learning how to sleep mindfully and dream lucidly we can begin to wake up in our daily lives as well as our dream and sleep as we become more lucidly aware and mindfully enter onto a path of both spiritual and psychological awakening."
In 2008 Charlie became one of the first Westerners officially "authorized to teach" lucid dreaming within the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This allows him the rare ability to synthesize both Western and Eastern perspectives on lucidity.

On November 19th, Charlie came to Conscious TV studios for an interview with Renate. To view the complete interview, you are welcome to click here

Thursday, 14 November 2013

How to grow on a spiritual path with the Enneagram
an interview with Tom Condon

Tom has kindly shared an excerpt of his book 'The Dynamic Enneagram' with Conscious TV that we are thrilled to share with our viewers on today's blog post 

" The Enneagram is a map, a map of maps of reality. It presents a psychology of the inner outlook, describing nine personality styles and their central points of view. As such, the Enneagram maps out nine versions of reality that people favor, nine ways the human unconscious creates and organizes subjective experience.

The Enneagram is a clear, exceptionally accessible version of what’s called “ego psychology” and the part of us that sees the world as flat is otherwise known as our ego. Most of us have an intuitive, seat-of-the pants sense of our ego though we may not realize its exact nature or depth of influence on our behavior. We also may not know that our individual ego is similar to others, that there are species of ego. The Enneagram describes its nine different egos in a penetrating way, detailing the inner life, thought patterns and basic beliefs of each one. No style is considered as better than another, and each has a range of healthy and unhealthy potentials – strengths, gifts and advantages as well as limits, pitfalls and blind spots.

Although each Enneagram style has a distinct inner logic and worldview, all are designed to fulfill the same set of basic psychological needs. Your ego governs your map of reality, your sense of identity as well as your core motivations, values and defenses. It controls a tight-knit cluster of guiding assumptions, offering you both a general sense of direction and immediate ways to proceed.

An Enneagram style is a lot like a nationality. Both define you, and yet within them you’re an individual. Both are deeply unconscious and shape your perceptions in involuntary ways. Both your nationality and your Enneagram style are simultaneously deep and yet shallow, parts of you that are apart from you at the same time.

While the Enneagram describes the sameness of people, each person is unique. You have a constellation of qualities that are particular to your makeup – a personal history, an emotional temperament, a genetic heritage and a soul. Your Enneagram style is only part of the picture, yet, in another way, it’s the key to everything. Through your ego’s inner outlook, you accurately perceive a slice of reality – what author Richard Rohr has called “one-ninth of the truth.” To some extent, each of us then mistakes our fraction of the world for the whole and gets stuck in a fixed point of view. In the bargain, we accidentally delete the other “eight-ninths” of reality and this omission lays the groundwork for our difficulties. Once on a boat I noticed a little girl turning pale with fright as the boat’s engines revved for departure. “What’s wrong?” her mother asked. The child anxiously replied, “Are we going to get smaller and smaller and then disappear?” Every boat she had ever watched from the shore had done that. Our limited personal focus means that we are very good at some things but weak at others, like someone on crutches who develops strong arms. While we excel at what we already know, our other potentials may lie distant and buried. The Enneagram maps out our strengths even as it points to the worlds upon worlds of experience that we are missing."

The Dynamic Enneagram by Tom Condon 

On Nov. 19th, Tom came to CTV's London studios for an interview with Iain McNay and Eleonora Gilbert.

To view Iain's complete interview with Tom, please click here 

To view Eleonora's complete interview with Tom, please click here 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Renate McNay's interview with Amoda Maa Jeevan, author of 
Radical Awakening - The Birth of a New World and a New You 

Amoda has kindly shared an excerpt of her book with Conscious TV viewers that we will share with you in this blog post: 

"Traditional spiritual teachings have all emphasized the cultivation of an inner state of stillness that awakens us to the truth of our being-nature. And, they say, this is achieved by turning away from worldly activity. Whilst the recognition of our essential nature as this being-ness is the foundation of awakening, what was relevant thousands of years ago is not so relevant today. The exponential increase of pace and pressure in today’s world brings an evolutionary story to enlightenment that asks us to reframe our understanding of what it means to be an awakened human being. 

What’s important now, is that awakening is no longer about abandoning or transcending physical reality in order to live a spiritual life: rather, it’s about the fulfillment of our divine destiny by living the truth of our inner radiance whilst in earthly bodies. What’s emerging today is a whole new relationship to life that gives birth to an authentic human being. It’s a refreshingly contemporary perspective that acknowledges the imperative to anchor ourselves within the ground of being whilst celebrating the emergence of that which we are becoming. Another way of saying it, is that it’s an embracement of both the absolute truth of stillness and the relative truth of the movement of life. The evolutionary impulse that drives the ever-unfolding nature of existence is calling us to awaken to the pristine perfection of our inner light and then to fully embody and express this light amidst the imperfection and darkness of the world." 

On Oct. 24th, Amoda Maa Jeevan was at CTV studios for an interview with Renate McNay... can now watch the full interview by clicking here

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

An interview with Philip Jacobs
 author of The Pathless Path - A Journey to the Place Never Left 

Philip Jacobs has been generous to share an excerpt of his yet unpublished book with Conscious TV viewers here: 

"The opportunity at this stage of exhausting the search both in the outer world and in special future states of Consciousness is that we start to notice that there is nothing to look for. 

We have missed it because it is so close that it’s been overlooked as too obvious and simple. It’s rather like trying to look at your eyes without the aid of a mirror, it’s impossible since they are the instrument of seeing, so how can they see themselves? 

It’s just the same with Consciousness; it’s only eluded us as an object to find since it is itself the subject. It is already looking out through our eyes and hearing through our ears and sensing through all our senses right now. It was just as present before our search began, we haven’t uncovered it or developed it one iota. All that’s happened is that the search has been exhausted and a recognition has taken place.

We have lived with a consensus view of our identity as a result of identifying with the vehicle of Consciousness rather than with the Consciousness itself. But when we relax into what is looking out through our eyes, at first there is just nothing, it is like a vast still empty spaciousness that is also an immense fullness from which our thoughts, feelings and desires are arising and returning. Happiness arises and returns, fear arises and returns, our entire lives arise and return. All activity is just a ripple on the surface of this vastness. We are all just the waves on a great ocean of stillness. It is formless and without boundary, it is totally ordinary and ever present. Every aspect of our lives without exception, the triumphs as well as the broken dreams are all part of the pathless path, the journey to acknowledge that which was never lost and never found, was never more or less. 

You start to no longer see yourself as a separate entity acting on a separate external world, getting frustrated when it doesn’t go the way you think it should. Rather you experience yourself as the witness of an immense drama, where the One Mind plays every part in the drama. Everything is seen to emerge out of this great ocean including your own apparent thoughts, feelings and actions and you are just the great stillness that quietly observes its own play in the same way you might watch a film at the cinema.

The character you are playing will still experience sadness and joy, pain and pleasure, illness and health and whatever your role requires and yet somehow it is all different. It’s like the analogy from zen; 

'At first there are just mountains and rivers, then the mountains and river disappear, then in the end there’s just mountains and rivers again.' 

In October, Philip Jacobs came to Conscious TV studios for an interview with Iain McNay. 
To watch the complete interview, please click here

Monday, 14 October 2013

An interview with 
Davide De Angelis  - author of The Guiding Principle

From Davide De Angelis' website: 

"From very early in life I found it impossible to believe most of what was presented to me as facts.

As an older child I was acutely aware of an undercurrent of discomfort that appeared to emanate from the majority of people I saw. Why did so many people seem to lack any real essence of joy and simple astonishment at the pure fact that they existed at all on this watery, cloud-flecked sphere hurtling through the vastness of space?

The world was bursting with unimaginable patterns turning everything into a kind of dancing art, yet hardly anyone seemed to see this. I discovered that by the time I was about seven, more or less all the other children couldn’t see the patterns of energy flowing through and around people. I came to understand that what I saw was actually the dynamic flow of emotions and destiny unfolding through time and space. I trained myself to recognise the patterns and see where people were unconsciously clinging to pain and discomfort – to things that were not true yet held them captive and controlled their entire lives.

I had no idea what I was doing but something immeasurably loving and powerful seemed to guide me towards insights and ways of understanding what I experienced. This sense has never left me and a knowing that life is good and that death is nothing to fear has travelled with me through life.

I met my first teacher and shaman at nineteen and he introduced me to a vast and astonishing reality that could be shaped and arranged. Many seemingly impossible things started to happen. People came to me naturally because they unconsciously sensed that I could see their troubles and that I was able to guide them towards healing and aliveness.

I have since travelled through many terrains and realities. I have sat with and learnt from shamans, shamankas, zen masters, yogis and yoginis, philosophers, fighters and truly powerful healers. I now clearly see that nothing I have to say can ever touch this mysterious thing we call the 'truth'. I have been taken to the edge of oblivion a few times and somehow lived to tell the tale. My insatiable curiosity has asked me to make many sacrifices and suffer discomforts to gain insight and knowledge into things that ordinary logic had no answers for. What I’ve been gifted by grace has left me deeply humbled and eternally grateful.

In my mid forties, Life unexpectedly guided me back to working directly with people to help them resolve deep-rooted issues, feel the miraculous touch of a guiding principle of life and reconnect to the infinite abundance of love that pervades everything yet paradoxically has somehow been lost.

The tangible is created from the intangible.

That which appears to be incoherent actually has an inner coherence. There is a branch of science called ‘Nonlinear Dynamics’ which explores this possibility. We experience disharmony and chaos in certain areas of our lives and we perceive chaos and disorder in the world because we haven’t developed the faculties that allow this inner coherence to be seen.

Working on developing those faculties leads to the discovery that nothing is in fact hidden and our own truth stands everywhere revealed. When this is recognised, many are amazed to discover that all their fears are based on falsehood. The possibility of living free of those fears and restrictions then becomes apparent.

Our inner work is like building up a bank account. However the significant difference is that we cannot draw from will. The movement of funds is determined by a subtle energy field, which awaits a specific trigger to release this ‘power’ back into our own lives. Meaning that the inner work is primary and we look to create the environment where positive triggers become inevitable.
Every improvement we make on our private world improves the world at large for everyone."

On October 24th, Davide sat with Iain McNay for an interview on Conscious TV... can now watch the full interview by clicking here 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

An interview with Francoise Tibika
 Author of Molecular Consciousness: Why the Universe is Aware of Our Presence 

A research chemist for over 30 years, Francoise Tibika's new book 'Molecular Consciousness: Why the Universe is Aware of Our Presence' looks beyond the microscope into the greater mystery of the universe and specifically into the connection between mind and matter. 

Born in Algiers and raised in Paris, Tibika moved to Israel in 1968 and for the past ten years she has headed a research program on energy at the Institute of Chemistry of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Francoise has always had a deep interest in spirituality and mental imagery and has studied with the famed spiritual master and healer, Colette Aboulker-Muscat, for thirteen years. 

This September, Francoise sat with Iain for an interview on Conscious TV. To watch the full interview, please click here