Sunday, 18 May 2014

An Interview with Mike Kewley 
You Are Not What You Think

Mike was obsessed with becoming Enlightened since childhood – for him that was the point of living. He knew from an early age that the voice in his head wasn’t him. He had some terrifying experiences of no-self which led to panic attacks and depression. Eventually he decided that he needed to drop the desire for enlightenment and somehow fix his life. 

And then, after a time, he was much happier. He then had the experience that ended his search for enlightenment.

In Mike's own words: ‘There's just the impersonal flow of awareness being everything without exception, no way to get it and no way to get out of it. It basks in the ordinary and mundane as well as the fireworks.'

On May 8th, Mike came to Conscious TV studios for an interview with Iain McNay. You can view the complete interview on by clicking this link.  

Monday, 12 May 2014

An Interview with Alan Budge 
Challenges of the Spiritual Path 

Alan is the author of For God’s Sake, which he describes as his true story of his tragi-comic quest for spiritual enlightenment. 

In Alan's words: 

Having given up on the entirely godless realm of would-be smart London restaurants, I journeyed widely through India, China, Tibet, and parts of West Yorkshire. I also worked for various would-be deeply spiritual organisations. This unflinching quest for truth led, not entirely unexpectedly, to a far from enlightened descent into alcoholism and misery. But then after sobering up I began to ponder: what is really at the heart of all this spiritual carry-on? Can it be of any use, given the challenges we face?’

On May 8th, Alan was invited for an interview on Conscious TV with Iain McNay. You can view the complete interview on by clicking this link

Saturday, 10 May 2014

An Interview with Miranda Macpherson 

Be Nothing Do Nothing Get Nothing Become Nothing

Author of the book Boundless Love, Miranda has been teaching since 1995 and is known for her depth of presence, clarity and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred. 

On March 8th, when she sat down for an interview with Renate McNay, she told Renate of her "dark night of the soul" begging God to let her die and eventually her profound Non-dual awakening while meditating in Ramana Maharshi’s cave after which her ego engine stopped for a few weeks and her life was completely changed.

In Miranda's words: Our soul is longing to belong to humanity and Enlightenment is the Human Nature'

On May 8th, Miranda came to Conscious TV studios for an interview with Renate McNay. You can view the complete interview on by clicking this link